How to create a comprehensive analysis of the public transport network in Nantes, France and determine problems, needs and motivations people are facing?
Each team chose a specific demographic group for its analysis. For our team, it was young working adults. We started with constructing questionnaires according to the tips of the supervisor. Next step was field research. We chose Place du Commerce at around 6 pm, which is the main transport hub of the city. The secondary location was a student dormitory. We prepared for the field research by writing cards with questions
in French and English. We split into teams to conduct field research. One team member was interviewing a passerby while the other one was writing down answers. The third team member was taking pictures for the end presentation. This method proved to be the most effective because it allows each team members to focus on his part of the work. In total, we interviewed 17 people in 3 days.

As a group of international students in Nantes, France, we were tasked with formulation questionnaires, conducting interviews and and interpreting research results findings. The final step was to create a persona and present it to the audience.
UX researcher, photographer
Mohinish Jhawar, Franz Friscourt, Xinru Guan, Pavlo Vytkalov
User journey
